How To Fix A Dry Text Conversation With A Girl (Examples Included)

How to revive a dead conversation with a girl?

Which message can you send to restart a conversation with a woman you like?

dry texter one word answers in text conversations

When it comes to restarting a conversation with a girl they like, most guys make some mistakes that make it difficult to seduce that girl afterwards.

Subtle mistakes that make them look needy…
…and cause the girl to ghost them.

If you want to really respark your conversation with that girl you want, you’ll have to be smarter.

I’ll show you how in this post.

Let’s get started.

🔴 How to restart a conversation with a girl: first thing first

The first thing you need to do before trying to restart a conversation with a girl is to ask yourself this:

What caused this conversation to dry?

Why did the girl stopped sending you messages, or responding to yours?

Unless it’s a technical issue, it’s almost certainly a desire issue.

In other words, a lack of interest on the part of the girl.

It’s likely that you’ve made mistakes that led this woman to be no longer interested (or much less interested).

dry texter one word responses small details

The first thing to do before trying to restart the conversation is to determine the mistakes you made that caused this woman’s desire for you to decrease.

Because if you’re planning to make the same mistakes right after you’ve restarted that conversation (and see it die again shortly after that), you might as well stop there.

That’s why it’s important to clarity this first.

Let’s review the most common mistakes that can cause a woman to stop texting you:

👉 You texted her too much

You’ve been too clingy.

You’ve given her too much attention with your texts.

You’ve sent her too many messages.

Sometimes large blocks of text.

Thus indirectly communicating to her that you were really into her.
Too much into her.

And causing her to take you for granted, or even see you as a desperate guy.

As you might guess, this is a big turn off for most women.

👉 Your texts were boring

Maybe you were sending her the same type of texts that the needy guys who hit on her all day long send her.

Predictable, pointless, boring text messages…that caused her to put you in the same bag as all those desperate guys who try to get her affection.

Or text messages that made you look like a child, or a guy of low social status (for instance if your texts were full of grammar/spelling mistakes, or overly filled with smiley faces, exclamation points and question marks).

Related: How To Text A Girl You Like

👉 You were too reactive

You were answering way too quickly to her texts.

Which made you look like a guy who is too available.

Worse: for a guy who has nothing more important to do in his life than wait for this girl’s texts to answer them as soon as he gets them.

Not only does this make you look like a needy guy, but it also makes you look like a guy who has no life.

Which is obviously not attractive.

👉 You disappointed her on your first date

This woman may have stopped writing to you after a date where you disappointed her.

She was hoping for better.
Or you weren’t compatible.

Or maybe your attitude wasn’t masculine enough.

Either way, she prefers to stop there.

➡️ If you haven’t done so yet: take a look at this article in which I show you how you can master women in a way that will turn them on.

In other words, how to dominate women to make them wet with desire.

And NOT just in bed: you’re going to implement these small actions in other contexts and environments, be it after an approach, on a date, at a party, in your everyday life with your girlfriend or wife (or with your ex), and more… so that the woman you like sees you as a powerful dominant male who is able to satisfy her deepest desires and take her to seventh heaven.

...which is what is going to make her want to sleep with you…and even chase you.

👉 She met another guy

Maybe she met another guy in the meantime. A guy she felt more attracted to.

Maybe she didn’t find you very attractive in the first place and was chatting with you just to see, or because she was bored.

What little interest she had in you evaporated when this other man appeared in her life.

👉 You waited too much

You and the girl may have had a very active conversation in the beginning, but it dragged on and on.

You didn’t offer anything concrete, like a date.

The girl eventually got bored.

And maybe even saw you as a passive or asexual man.

first step on how to revive a conversation on tinder


So much for the most common mistakes that can cause a woman to stop engaging in a conversation with you…and this conversation to dry.

If you made some of those mistakes, don’t make them again.
So that you don’t have to restart this conversation another time.

Here’s why…

⚠️ Restarting a conversation with a woman: an action that has a cost

Before you try to revive a conversation with a girl you’re interested in, there’s one thing you need to understand:

Trying to restart your conversation with that girl is likely to make you sound needy.

By definition, the person who is trying to restart the conversation is the person who needs the other person.

When the girl sees that you’re trying to revive the conversation, she automatically feels that she’s the one in a position of power.

She automatically senses that somehow you want her attention.

She automatically feels that she’s the one being chased.

how to revive a dead tinder conversation first textEach attempt to restart the conversation has a cost: you lose value in the eyes of the girl (sometimes a lot, sometimes just a little, depending on how you do it).

The more times you have to restart your conversation with her, the more you lose value in her eyes.

For this reason, you should limit your restart texts as much as possible.

Ideally, avoid having to revive a conversation more than once (unless these attempts are very far apart in time, or are punctuated by a significant progress in the seduction process, such as a successful date).

When to revive a text conversation with a girl?

Men often make the mistake to try to respark the conversation too soon.

For instance when the girl doesn’t answer their last text.

This last text can be a question, or a remark…

Related: What To Ask A Girl

Seeing that this message remains unanswered, the guy gets impatient and send the girl another text.
Without really giving her the time to answer his first text.

At that moment, he appears to be in a hurry.
He appears needy.

This leads the girl to feel in a position of power.
To feel that she’s the prize, and he’s the one fighting for it.

dry texters how to revive a bumble conversationSo don’t fall into the trap of trying to get the conversation going again too quickly.

Besides making you look like a guy who is way too much into her, it can easily make you look like a nervous (and therefore weak) guy.

If you just sent her a text, don’t be impatient. There could be any number of reasons why she hasn’t responded yet (maybe she’s not glued to her phone 24/7).

Wait at least a day, or much more in some cases (we’ll come back to this a little bit later).

If on the other hand it’s been a long time since you sent her your last text, you can consider texting her again.

dry texter related reading text conversations

Now you’re probably thinking, “Okay Jack, fine, but what exactly do you mean by ‘a long time’? ‘Long’ is vague.”


In fact, it depends on the context, and how often you texted each other.

This amount of time will differ depending on whether this girl is a girl you’ve known for a while or a girl you’ve just met.

For instance, if it’s a girl with whom you’ve only exchanged a few text messages on Tinder, 3 days is already a long time.

If it’s a girl who left you her phone number in the street (and with whom you hardly exchanged any text messages afterwards), 3 days is also a very long time.

On the other hand, if it’s a girl you went to several dates with, 3 days is relatively short.

The same is true if this girl is a good friend of yours, with whom you’ve been through a lot of things.

how to revive a dying conversation with your crush

You know that your last text was sent “a long time ago” if enough time has passed for the chick to wonder why you stopped texting her.

Or if she’s had time to miss your attention.

This can range from a day to a week or more.

So, to sum it up, you can text the girl back under the condition that it’s been a long time since your last message.

4 rules for fixing a dry text conversation properly

Let’s quickly review the 4 rules to follow so that your attempt produces the desired effects.

👉 Wait long enough

As we just saw: you have to wait long enough before reviving a dead conversation with a girl who stopped texting you.

Otherwise, you’ll look needy or insistent.

By waiting, you allow the girl to see (or to believe) that you’re not that interested in her. And therefore to tell to herself that you’re different from all those desperate guys who constantly try to get her attention.

In some cases, waiting is enough to get the girl to text you again, all by herself (that is, without you having to restart the conversation).

👉 Keep it short

Remember what we saw in the first part of this article: if you need to revive your conversation with this girl, it’s probably because of a lack of desire on her side.

A lack of desire that may be due to the fact that you looked too interested in your texts.

The message you’re going to send her must not accentuate this impression.

That’s why you should avoid sending her big blocks of text.
Even messages of more than one or two sentences.

Because the longer your text is, the more you look invested in this interaction. And therefore needy.

And conversely, the shorter your text, the more detached you seem.

dry texter little details

For this reason, keep it as short as possible.

Brief, sharp, succinct.

Even if this conversation didn’t dry because of a loss of interest from the girl.

Because a trying to revive a conversation puts you in a vulnerable position.

You don’t want to accentuate how needy this message makes you look.

Quite the contrary.

👉 No more than one attempt of the time

Send her only one message.

And wait for her to text you back.

Exception to this rule: you can split your text into several smaller texts, which you send in a row (and which can then be considered as a single message).

The mistake here would be to become impatient and send her a second message if she doesn’t respond.

Give her time.

Time to answer…

…and—if she doesn’t respond—time for her to forget that you try to revive the conversation.

👉 Don’t text her if you have nothing to say

Don’t text her just to check up on her.

Your last text message went unanswered. That means this girl probably isn’t very interested in you.

She probably feels that you want her more than she wants you. Which doesn’t play in your favor (you want it to be the other way around).

So what happens when you text her just to check in on her?

Well, you’re letting her know that you think about her often.

And more precisely, that you think about her often enough to spontaneously think about checking up on her.

Thus making you look like you need her more than she needs you.

dry texter similar experiences

If you want to fix your dry text conversation with her, you’ll have to be a little smarter…

…and opt for a message that allows you to revive the conversation while being seen as a guy who is probably not into her.

What to text the girl to get the conversation going again?

To get the conversation going again, you’re going to send her a message in which you share something that made you think of her.

What topic to respark a conversation with a girl?

It could be a funny ad you just saw on the street, a poster of a movie you talked about together, the reopening of her favorite coffee shop or store, a mutual friend you ran into, a dog (or cat) you came across that looks like hers, and so on.

Anything that might remind you of her.

The best way to do it is to use humor.
Something that triggers positive emotions (ideally it should make her smile, or laugh…).

dry texter - how to revive a conversation over text

If you can attached a picture to your text, it’s best (sometimes the picture itself is enough).

It’ll be more credible, because the girl won’t have the feeling that you made up a fake pretext to contact her.

Here are the main benefits of this type of text:

  • The girl won’t think that you’re always thinking about her. Indeed, it’s something (or someone) you came across that made you think of her. You don’t think about her by yourself. The rest of the time, you do not think about her spontaneously. That way, you don’t come across as a guy who texts because he thinks about her all the time.
  • It’s making her feel some positive emotions (if it’s done properly and related to a private joke you had with her, or a pleasant memory).

If you do it right, the chances of getting a response are high.

You can then start a new discussion from here (and even ask her out right off the bat).

Related: Random Topics To Talk About With A Girl

Examples of a texts you can send her:

– First example of a text you can send to restart a conversation with a girl:

dry texter funny meme

This message produced the desire effect because the girl I sent it to was called Florence.

The picture with the “Flocafé” cup, without any message, is enough to do the job.

– Second example of a text you can send to revive a conversation with a girl:

dry texter text conversations

A photo of a label from the girl’s favorite clothing brand.

It makes her react immediately.

– Third example of a text you can send to respark a conversation with a girl:

screenshot of a text conversation with a girl

[MUST-READ] Be DOMINANT with Women: Know How to MASTER Them (In Everyday Life) to Make Them Fantasize About You

If you enjoyed this article (and even if you didn’t), you’ll love this other extensive post I recently published:

>> Be DOMINANT with Women: Know How to MASTER Them (In Everyday Life) to Make Them Fantasize About You

There’s something you need to understand:

Women want to be submissive.

They fantasize about sexual submission.

And when they meet a dominant man who has the potential to satisfy their submission fantasies, it makes them desire him intensely.

Sounds shocking or surprising to you?

Keep reading…

Today, you’re going to learn how to master women in a way that will turn them on.

You’re going to learn how to dominate women to make them wet with desire.

And NOT just in bed:

You’re going to implement this in other contexts and environments, be it after an approach, on a date, at a party, and more.

You’re going to implement this in your everyday life with the women you like so that they see you as a powerful dominant male who is able to satisfy their desires and take them to seventh heaven.

These actions you’re going to implement daily with the girls you want will lead them to see you as THE man to date.

You’ll stand out.

Women will see you as a potential lover and as a good lay (and that’s a bit of an understatement).

However, there are things you need to understand first.

You’ve got to be ready to try certain things that are a bit bold (more or less depending on the girl and the situation).

It's all there:

>> Be DOMINANT with Women: Know How to MASTER Them (In Everyday Life) to Make Them Fantasize About You

Stay solid,

About the Author

Expert in male-female relationships and passionate about evolutionary psychology, Jack Vitel has been helping for over 10 years men of all ages regain control of their sexual and love lives. He is known for his unique concept of solidity, which allows men to naturally attract the women they want by tapping into their inner masculine potential.