MAKE HER HORNY (Fast and Without Sounding Like a Perv): The Most Effective Ways to Do It

It is very easy to be friendzoned by a girl if you don’t do certain things.

If you don’t do what needs to be done when interacting with a girl you like, chances are that she’s going to see you as nothing more than a friend.

Because for a woman to see you as a potential lover, there are things you must do.

And that’s precisely what we’re going to learn today.

You’re going to learn how to make a girl horny quickly and easily so that she’ll think about sex and want to sleep with you.

What you’re going to learn in this post will help you sexualize your interactions with the women you like.

They will see you as a potential lover (and not as just a friend).

However, these methods are not for everyone…

There are certain conditions to be met for this to work.

You’ve got to be ready to try things that will make you feel a bit vulnerable.

More on that below.


Maybe, like a lot of guys out there, you find it hard to arouse the interest of the girls you really like…

Maybe you manage to approach and meet women, as well as maintain contact with some of them, but you’re unable to go further than that.

You have no idea what to do in order to break the ice and get the girl to see you as a man she’d like to have sex with.

And when it’s time to take things to the next level with the girl you want, something prevents you from doing it.

Either you’re too afraid to try something with her (because you think that it’s inappropriate or would feel weird), you try something and you get rejected (the dreaded “Let’s just be friends” or “I need more time”), or the girl ends up with another guy (while you thought something was going on between you and her)…

So, for all kinds of reasons, you have a hard time turning on the women you like. You have a hard time making them want to sleep with you (or even just start a romantic relationship with you).

And again, you’re not alone.

Most guys find it very difficult to turn on the girls they really like.

They find it difficult to do what needs to be done when it needs to be done.

Now, it would be a pity to continue along this path…

It’d be silly to keep missing out on beautiful and exciting relationships when creating sexual desire in a girl you like can be done very easily.

It can be done on command, any time during the interaction, whenever you want it, and in a completely natural way.

Knowing this, it would be a pity to miss out on all the opportunities out there and not be able to go beyond friend status with the women you really like.

Honestly, how could things change if you keep doing the same things?

How could things turn out differently if you keep using methods that don’t work?

Seriously, how could the situation change—unless you get very lucky (and even then)—if you keep relying on the same methods you’ve been using so far?

Do you think that by some miracle a hot girl is going to get horny when dozens of girls before her remained indifferent?

Don’t you think that in order to make things happen, you should try a different approach?

And speaking of a different approach, maybe you’ve tried some techniques and strategies you found on the Internet, like teasing the girl, acting hard to get or detached, making her understand that you have a high social status, letting her see that you have some things in common with her, and so on.

A whole bunch of tips and advice that are quite good, but aren’t enough when it comes to generating real excitement.

In most cases, if you don’t do what needs to be done to generate powerful sexual desire in the girl at the same time, these tips are pointless.

Like many guys out there, you might have the idea that in order to attract a woman, you should hide your interest for her.

You might have read on some dating websites that you should play hard to get and act remote.

You might have seen or heard that you shouldn’t look interested in the girl for fear of making her run away.

You were told that you should do everything you can in order to not look needy, and thus you shouldn’t leave any clue of your sexual desire to the girl you want to hook up with.

And that’s precisely what most guys do nowadays:

Hiding their interest.

Hiding their desires.

They don’t leave any opportunity for the girl to realize that something may be happening between them.

And they wonder why the girl is confused when they try to take things to the next level.

They don’t understand why the girl sees them as a friend, and just a friend.

As you’ve learned, those guys are going about this the wrong way.

And all those dating “coaches” or dating “experts” who give poor advice aren’t helping.

Because here it is:

For a woman to want to have sex with you, she must see you as a potential lover.

And for her to see you as a potential lover, she must feel that something is going on between you and her.

She must feel that you could try something with her.

She must feel that you find her sexually attractive.

The vibe between you must be charged with sexual energy.

And in order to achieve this, the key is not to hide your sexual interest, but, on the contrary, to declare it.

I’ll say it again:

In order to make a woman want to have sex with you, the key is to declare your interest.

It is to communicate to her that you find her sexually attractive.

And that’s precisely what concrete actions we’re going to learn today will help you do.

You’ll be able to declare your sexual interest to the girls you like in a natural, solid, and masculine way, without sounding like a perv or a needy guy.

Now, you might be asking:

“Wait, Jack, aren’t you taking things a bit too far here? You’re telling me that I should literally declare my sexual interest to the girl I want? I don’t know if I can do it, and I don’t want to look like a perv or like a guy who’s totally into her…”

What you need to understand is that if you don’t declare your sexual interest to the girl, she won’t be able to tell herself that something is happening between you and her.

Men and women don’t work the same way.

The mere sight of a sexy feminine body is enough to make us men horny.

For women, it’s different:

Women are mainly turned on by their imagination (among other things).

And if you don’t give them some material for their brain, their imagination isn’t going to work the way you want it to.

But when you inspire the girl to use her imagination so that she imagines all sorts of things with you (like sex), you’ve done most of the work and you can pick her up like you would pick a fruit that is ripe and ready.

Now, if you keep hiding your interest in her, she’s not going to be able to make her imagination work that way.

She’s not going to tell herself that something is going on between you and her (or that something might happen between you and her).

A possible sexual relationship with you won’t come to her mind.

For a girl to imagine some hot and wild things with you, she must feel (at least a bit) desired by you.

She must feel some sexual tension between you and her.

And that’s precisely why your ability to create sexual tension is going to make the difference between you and all the other guys who are seen as no more than friends.

Remember those times when you tried to take things further with a girl you liked but it didn’t work:

In many cases, it had to do with the fact that you hadn’t done much to get the girl to tell herself that you found her sexually attractive.

She didn’t even understand why you decided out of the blue to take things further because she only saw you as a friend from the beginning.

Hence the confused look or the discomfort on her part (be it simulated or completely natural).

So keep in mind that in order to make a girl want to have sex with you, the key is to declare your interest to her, not hide it.

Now, as you might suspect, it has to be done in a certain way…

Because if you do it the wrong way, you’ll come off as a needy guy, a weirdo, or a perv.

And you’ll produce the opposite effect to the one intended.

So, you’re going to declare your interest in a certain way.

In a natural, solid, and non-needy way.

In a way that allows the girl to feel that something is going on between you two—and thus allows her to put her imagination to work—while being perceived as a solid and spontaneous guy.

This is the reason why I decided to create an extensive training course in which I’m going to explain to you in detail how to do it.

What you’re going to learn in this training course is based on my experience in the field: thousands of interactions, and dozens (if not hundreds) of dates with all kind of women.

In your next interaction with a girl—tonight, for instance—you’re going to implement some concrete actions that are going to get the girl to see you as a potential lover.

You’ll be able to apply this in your next conversation with a girl you like, on a date, at a party, and so on.

You’ll see that a just a few words can change everything in the way that women look at you.

By tomorrow, if you’re motivated (or by the end of the week if you want to take your time), you’ll be ready to fully implement everything you have learned.

And you’ll be able to put it into practice in the various interactions you’ll have with the girls you want.

You’ll notice that these women will look at you differently.

Because they’ll see you as a potential lover and not as just a friend.

And ultimately, as you keep putting this into practice in your everyday interactions with women, you’ll end up fully mastering these techniques and strategies, using them without consciously thinking about it.

These ways of doing things will be embedded in your subconscious, and you’ll naturally behave in a sexual and exciting way with the women you want.

You won’t have to make much effort to make them want to sleep with you.

Because you’ll do everything in a totally natural way.

You’ll do it without conscious thinking.

And you’ll even ask yourself why you didn’t understand all of this earlier. That’s how obvious and logical it’ll seem to you.

One important thing, though:

You’re not going to learn how to create a love potion or to cast a spell that is going to turn on a girl who has already friendzoned you for quite a while.

What you’re going to learn won’t be as effective on a girl who has completely lost her sexual interest in you.

If the girl has been viewing you as a friend for quite some time, it’s going to be harder to turn her on.

That being said, it’s possible.

But like I said, the best way to use what you’re going to learn here is to turn on girls you’ve just met or other girls that you know but who don’t see you as a friend.

It’s on these women that those techniques are going to work best.

Every guy can arouse a girl he likes because he just needs to know a few specific actions to get the girl to think about sex and to see him as a potential lover.

Here’s what you’re going to learn:

👉 The SPECIFIC ACTIONS YOU NEED to make the girls you interact with HORNY (and thus never end up in the friendzone)…

👉 The OBJECTIFICATION PRINCIPLE™, which allows you to naturally and easily SEXUALIZE your interactions with women (feminists aren’t going to like it, but even they can’t resist it)…

👉 7 BOLD COMPLIMENTS you can give to a woman to turn her on in less than 5 seconds (without sounding like a perv or a needy guy)…

👉 Compliments that are THE EASIEST to make (and that are also incredibly arousing) but which most guys are AFRAID to make, including many dating “coaches”…

👉 3 EXAMPLES OF QUESTIONS you can ask a woman to make her feel that you find her SEXUALLY ATTRACTIVE (while remaining natural and non-needy)… In addition, they allow you to talk about something that will get her excited…

👉 4 RULES TO FOLLOW if you DON’T want to look like a weirdo or a needy guy when you seek to sexualize a conversation with a woman (they’re what makes the difference between men who manage to naturally make the women they want horny and the others)…

👉 WHAT TO SAY to make a girl horny FROM THE FIRST SECONDS of the interaction (I’m going to give you 3 concrete examples)… You can use this to arouse a girl just after you’ve approached her in some very specific cases (we’re going to go through each of them)…

👉 5 EFFECTIVE WAYS to MAKE A GIRL HORNY AT A PARTY (whether it is at a friend’s party, in a bar, in a club…)…We’re also going to talk about things you should NOT do

👉 ONE THING to say one or two times during a date that will keep the girl interested and excited (I’ll give you some precise examples with the different contexts and situations in which you can implement it)…

👉 How to TURN ON A GIRL OVER TEXT… INCLUDED: 4 concrete examples of texts you can send to a girl to make her horny, depending on the level of intimacy you have with her…

👉 The STEALTHY CRUISING ATTITUDE PRINCIPLE™, which prevents you from looking like a weirdo or a needy guy when sexualizing an interaction (it has to do with your body language, your level of energy, your facial expression, and what you’re going to tell the girl)…

👉 The PERV LOOK TECHNIQUE™, which is a rather unusual (and unorthodox) way to use your gaze to make a woman horny… Said like that, it may seem odd or too much, but don’t worry: I’m going to explain to you how you can do it without looking like a perv or weirdo (when you’ve figured out how to implement this in a socially acceptable way, you can do wonders, especially with certain types of women)…

👉 4 AREAS you can look at a woman to make her feel SEXUALLY DESIRED

👉 THE 3-STEP PROCESS that allows you to look at a woman you want in a “perverse” way without coming off like a sex maniac or a needy guy (on the contrary, you’ll make her horny and want to have sex with you)…

👉 AT WHAT STAGE of the interaction you must NOT use the Perv Look Technique (at the risk of coming off as a complete weirdo)…

👉 HOW MANY TIMES you should use the Perv Look Technique™ FOR MAXIMUM EFFECT (and where the line you shouldn’t cross is)…

👉 The HYPNOTIC GAZE TECHNIQUE™, which allows you to make a girl horny easily (and without risk) just by using your gaze

👉 3 PERFECT TIMES to use the Hypnotic Gaze Technique™ in order to generate excitement with a girl you like (and make her feel your dominant character)…

👉 A subtle detail that can make all the difference between a really exciting gaze and an unmoving (and even weak) gaze

👉 WHETHER YOU SHOULD SMILE OR NOT when looking at a woman if you want to make her horny (here we must distinguish between 2 cases)…

👉 The SENSUAL TOUCH TECHNIQUE™, which consists of a touch that allows you to generate sensations that are going to make the girl horny while making her feel desired

👉 THE RIGHT MINDSET to put yourself in in order to be HANDSY with a woman in such a way that it will make her think about sex (here you must understand WHY you touch her in this manner and why you should NOT do it for the wrong reasons)…

👉 A 2-STEP PROCESS that allows you to make a girl horny by touching her (I’m going to give you various examples that will help you correctly implement it depending on the girl and the situation)…

👉 3 RULES for touching a woman in a way that is going to AROUSE HER and make her think about sex…INCLUDED: 3 additional rules to do this in a SOLID way…

👉 WHETHER YOU SHOULD LOOK THE GIRL IN THE EYES OR NOT while TOUCHING her (here we will distinguish between various situations)…

👉 The DDS TOUCH TECHNIQUE™, which is something extremely powerful you can use at parties (and in quite a lot of other environments)…this technique is an advanced variation of the Sensual Touch Technique™ that allows you to take things even further…

👉 The BOLD ACTION TECHNIQUE™, which is one of the most effective (and radical) things you can use to make a girl horny (in addition, it allows you to make her feel that you have some balls)…

👉 2+1 ESSENTIAL STEPS that allow you to successfully implement the Bold Action Technique™

👉 4 SPECIFIC CONTEXTS in which you can use the Bold Action Technique™ (those 4 contexts are the best times to put this technique into action)…

👉 WHICH MOMENTS (and in which situations) you must NOT use the Bold Action Technique™ (for fear of ruining everything and coming off as a guy who lacks social intelligence)…

In your next interaction with a girl—tonight, for instance—you’re going to implement some concrete actions that are going to get the girl to see you as a potential lover.

You’ll be able to apply this in your next conversation with a girl you like, on a date, at a party, and so on.

You’ll see that a just a few words can change everything in the way that women look at you.

By tomorrow, if you’re motivated (or by the end of the week if you want to take your time), you’ll be ready to fully implement everything you have learned.

And you’ll be able to put it into practice in the various interactions you’ll have with the girls you want.

You’ll notice that these women will look at you differently.

Because they’ll see you as a potential lover and not as just a friend.

And ultimately, as you keep putting this into practice in your everyday interactions with women, you’ll end up fully mastering these techniques and strategies, using them without consciously thinking about it.

These ways of doing things will be embedded in your subconscious, and you’ll naturally behave in a sexual and exciting way with the women you want.

You won’t have to make much effort to make them want to sleep with you.

Because you’ll do everything in a totally natural way.

You’ll do it without conscious thinking.

And you’ll even ask yourself why you didn’t understand all of this earlier. That’s how obvious and logical it’ll seem to you.

One important thing, though:

You’re not going to learn how to create a love potion or to cast a spell that is going to turn on a girl who has already friendzoned you for quite a while.

What you’re going to learn won’t be as effective on a girl who has completely lost her sexual interest in you.

If the girl has been viewing you as a friend for quite some time, it’s going to be harder to turn her on.

That being said, it’s possible.

But like I said, the best way to use what you’re going to learn here is to turn on girls you’ve just met or other girls that you know but who don’t see you as a friend.

It’s on these women that those techniques are going to work best.

Every guy can arouse a girl he likes because he just needs to know a few specific actions to get the girl to think about sex and to see him as a potential lover.


Again, every guy can learn to arouse a girl he likes, because he just needs to know a few specific actions to get the girl to think about sex and see him as a potential lover.

Only, as you might guess, if you don’t try these things now, you’ll probably never try them.

It’ll be pushed into the background like all those things you planned to do but never did (and unfortunately will never do) as a result of being continuously left for tomorrow.

So, if you’re interested, it is now that you must try this stuff.

It is now that you must take action, as long as you are motivated.

You can download the entire training course right now, watch it from the comfort of your home, and take action today.

Now, I’d like to ask you something:

When you’ll be able to easily and naturally make the women you like want to sleep with you…

When you’ll be able to do this on command…whenever you want…

With a girl from work or college, or a girl you sometimes meet on the street, or with the girls you meet at parties…

What do you think your interactions with women are going to look like?

Instead of treating you the way they do now, how do you think they’re going to act?

From the moment you make the girls you want see you as a potential lover…and thus want to have sex with you (either in a serious relationship or just for fun)…

How is your everyday life going to be different?

When you know the exact things to do and won’t have to concern yourself with all those dating techniques you can find here and there…

What will be the effect on your state of mind?

And on the way you interact with the opposite sex?

Think about it.

I don’t know what your current way of making girls want to sleep with you is, but either way, you’ll want to take a look at this.


